The French Nest open air market is held every third weekend from May through October in Civic Center Park in Fort Collins. check out their website at . This was my first time doing the French Nest and it was a lot of work but really panned out. We sold tons of stuff like vintage pillows, baskets, jewelry, clothing, candles, one of a kind antique window art, clocks, furniture and more! It was great to meet all of the fun people and over 70 of these nice folks signed up for our $100 shopping spree giveaway for the shop's grand opening on September 17th! We are beginning work on the space toward the end of this week and getting our signs ordered, and tons of other things to get the shop up and running. I am beginning to receive a lot of vendor contracts so if you are a vendor that we have talked with and haven't reserved your space, please get that paperwork to us in the next few days! The following photo is the way our shop will look when we are open. We are excited about our open concept instead of having traditional "booths" set up like in an antique mall. This is not a photo of our store, but we will have a similar feel. Isn't it cute?